OpenTank O (O) ((O)) - Home: poetry and commentary by Robert Walikis
"A demi-blog of poetry and commentary"
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The Corner

New School Rules

A weekend in study, and I'm already hooked....

OpenTank is now (was always?) a variant on a web log, a.k.a.: blog; it's official. But,...more a demi-blog than a blog. What's the difference, besides the bold typeface? I promise to split a few hairs sometime soon.

I'm also licensing my work under a Creative Commons license: anyone now knows explicitly that they can use any work on my site as long as they attribute the work to me, don't change it and don't use it commercially...which, come to think of it, shouldn't be so hard.

=:^ )

There are two new main pages: The List provides a fairly thorough set of links to people, places and things I think important enough to point out.

Below the fold, we've got buttons. Some provide links to validation check sites for web based standards, so browsers and feed readers don't choke; some are links to my site syndication feed; and still others are to some main indexes of blogs and blogdom.

RSS (for Rich Site Syndication, Real Simple Syndication, etc.) has been around in blogging circles for several years. It is a way to provide consistent content information (data and metadata) to and from software, somewhat like email, only through a different file format that is "read" instead of "sent".

All this and no poetry? Well, just one for now, as I've been busy...

This sun

Surfing the latest trends,

- jan pavel

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Copyright © 2002-3, Robert Walikis under a Creative Commons License. All other rights reserved.
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This site and its content is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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